Can Developmental Trauma Cause Someone To Disconnect From Their Needs?
What someone may find, that's if they were to step back and reflect on their life, is that they are often out of touch with their needs. Or, perhaps, to be more specific, they are often out of touch with certain needs. This can mean that they will typically be aware of their survival needs and even their intellectual needs, but that could be about as far as it will go. As for their emotional needs, then, these could generally be ignored. It's Automatic Still, this doesn't mean that this is something that they will consciously choose to do. They are then not going to think, 'right, I'm going to ignore my emotional needs now', as this is likely to be something that they won't even be aware of. Consequently, a number of their needs will be overlooked and this is going to have a detrimental effect on their well-being. They can end up being aware of the effect of being this way but be oblivious to the cause. The Outcome There is the chance that they will ofte...